Newsletter AI Agent Actor API

This document provides technical details about the Newsletter AI Agent Apify Actor API, including input schema, output format, and usage examples.

Actor Input Schema

The Newsletter AI Agent Actor accepts the following input parameters:

  "topic": "string"


topicstringThe topic for the newsletterNo”I want to know everything about AI agents – current news, AI agentic platforms and frameworks, and companies in this field.”

Actor Output Schema

The actor outputs the generated newsletter in the following format:

  "topic": "string",
  "content": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "timestamp": "string"

Output Fields

topicstringThe topic that was used to generate the newsletter
contentstringThe generated newsletter content in Markdown format
statusstringThe status of the generation process (“success” or “error”)
timestampstringISO 8601 formatted timestamp of when the newsletter was generated

Error Output Schema

If an error occurs during newsletter generation, the actor will output:

  "topic": "string",
  "error": "string",
  "status": "error",
  "timestamp": "string"

Error Fields

topicstringThe topic that was used (if available)
errorstringError message describing what went wrong
statusstringAlways “error” for error outputs
timestampstringISO 8601 formatted timestamp of when the error occurred

Usage Examples

Running the Actor via Apify Console

  1. Navigate to the Newsletter AI Agent on the Apify platform
  2. Set the topic input parameter to your desired topic
  3. Click “Run” to start the actor
  4. Wait for the actor to complete
  5. View the results in the “Dataset” tab

Running the Actor via Apify API Client (Python)

import os
from apify_client import ApifyClient

# Initialize the ApifyClient with your API token
client = ApifyClient(os.getenv('APIFY_API_KEY'))

# Start the actor and wait for it to finish
run ='your-username/newsletter-ai-agent').call({
    'topic': 'Latest advancements in quantum computing'

# Fetch the actor's output
output = client.dataset(run['defaultDatasetId']).list_items().items[0]
newsletter_content = output['content']

# Do something with the newsletter content

Running the Actor via Apify API Client (JavaScript)

const { ApifyClient } = require('apify-client');

// Initialize the ApifyClient with your API token
const client = new ApifyClient({
    token: process.env.APIFY_API_KEY,

// Start the actor and wait for it to finish
const run = await'your-username/newsletter-ai-agent').call({
    topic: 'Latest advancements in quantum computing',

// Fetch the actor's output
const { items } = await client.dataset(run.defaultDatasetId).listItems();
const newsletterContent = items[0].content;

// Do something with the newsletter content

Actor Lifecycle

  1. The actor initializes and loads environment variables
  2. It processes the input parameters (using default if none provided)
  3. It creates a NewsletterCrew instance with the necessary agents
  4. The Researcher Agent gathers information about the topic
  5. The Writer Agent transforms the research into a newsletter draft
  6. The Editor Agent reviews and improves the draft
  7. The final newsletter is returned as output

Resource Usage

The Newsletter AI Agent performs web scraping and uses large language models, which can be resource-intensive. The actor typically takes 3-5 minutes to generate a newsletter, depending on the complexity of the topic and the amount of information available.

Next Steps