Writer Agent

The Writer Agent is responsible for transforming research data into engaging and informative newsletter content. It takes the raw information gathered by the Researcher Agent and crafts it into well-structured, readable sections that form the draft newsletter.

Role and Responsibilities

The Writer Agent is defined with the following attributes:

  • Role: Content Writer
  • Goal: Create engaging and informative newsletter content from research materials
  • Backstory: A skilled content writer specializing in technology and AI topics, excelling at transforming complex information into clear, engaging content that resonates with both technical and non-technical readers.


The Writer Agent is implemented in src/agents/writer.py using CrewAI’s Agent class:

def create(llm) -> Agent:
    return Agent(
        role='Content Writer',
        goal='Create engaging and informative newsletter content from research materials',
        backstory="""You are a skilled content writer specializing in technology 
        and AI topics. You excel at transforming complex information into clear, 
        engaging content that resonates with both technical and non-technical readers. 
        You are also responsible for ensuring the content is up to date and relevant to 
        the latest trends in the technology industry. Include all the links to the 
        sources in the content.""",
        tools=[],  # No additional tools needed for content writing

Unlike the Researcher Agent, the Writer Agent doesn’t use external tools. Instead, it relies on its language model capabilities to transform the research data into engaging content.

Content Creation Process

When assigned a task, the Writer Agent follows this process:

  1. Analyze Research Data: Reviews the information provided by the Researcher Agent
  2. Structure Content: Organizes the content into logical sections based on the research data
  3. Write Engaging Sections: Creates well-written, engaging content for each section
  4. Format in Markdown: Ensures proper markdown formatting for headings, links, and other elements
  5. Include Sources: Incorporates links to original sources throughout the content

Section Formatting

The Writer Agent formats different types of content according to their nature:

News Section

### [News Title](URL)
*Published: Date*

News description text...

Community Discussions

### [Discussion Title](URL)
*Posted by Author*

Discussion text...

Social Media Insights

> Tweet text
*— Author*
[View on Twitter](URL)

Video Content

### [Video Title](URL)
*By Channel*

Video description...

Markdown Formatting

The Writer Agent ensures proper markdown formatting through several helper methods:

  • format_markdown: Cleans up the content and ensures proper spacing
  • _format_news_section: Formats news items into markdown content
  • _format_community_section: Formats community discussions into markdown content
  • _format_social_section: Formats social media content into markdown content
  • _format_video_section: Formats video content into markdown content
  • _format_general_section: Formats general content into markdown content


The Writer Agent can be configured by modifying its creation parameters in src/agents/writer.py:

  • LLM: Change the language model used by the agent
  • Verbosity: Set verbose to True or False to control the amount of output

Next Steps

  • Learn about the Editor Agent that reviews and finalizes the newsletter
  • Explore the Researcher Agent that provides the raw material for the Writer Agent